Hi, I'm Fiona. I'm a card-carrying member of the AARP, but I'm not going to be more specific. Suffice it to say that one of my 4 kids lives in another state, having graduated from college, and my daughter is leaving to return to her college tomorrow and I miss her already! She's my youngest.
I'm a certified English teacher and I sub in local high schools. I always have at least one other part-time job, since subbing is sporadic money, and even though I don't regret getting my English degree, the corporate world thinks of it as pretty useless, so I'm stuck in minimum wage jobs mostly. Could be worse. I had to talk one son out of getting his degree in Philosophy ("Honey, you'll be asking if people want fries with their order,")...then he chose English ("Honey, do we really need TWO under-employed people in the family?")...then he thought about Anthropology ("Honey, my friend's daughter just graduated with that degree and she's tired of being a hostess in restaurants and delivering pizzas, so she's back in school learning to be a paralegal.") Finally he chose Geology...Hurrah! Soon he'll be headed for grad school and he LOVES his subject. Phew!
I've been reading since before I was in kindergarten, and I've been writing stories in my head for just as long. A few years ago I needed some sort of creative outlet when I became the "parent" to my parents, caring for them as their diseases took them both. I needed happy endings, so I started to write some of the stories that swirled in my head. Now, 5 years later, I have 15 books out, with 4 of them temporarily unavailable (see post below this one.) I write contemporary erotic romance, but my favorite genre to read is either non-fiction, if I'm feeling like stretching my brain, or paranormal/fantasy romance, if I want to relax. I don't like to read in the genre I write in, for fear of inadvertently using someone else's ideas.
When I get busy with my jobs, I don't post very often, but I try to keep readers up on what's going on with me. I like these Parajunkee challenges because it forces me to write more often. Occasionally I put up reviews of books I've read or movies I've seen. Mostly I try to keep my readers informed. Hopefully if you're new here, you'll at least check out my free book on Smashwords. It's book 4 of a 6-book series, but it's a stand-alone book also. If you like paranormal, I did write a couple of vampire books, but only because the hero barged in on my dreams and made me write him as the hero. It did stop my writer's block, so I forgave him...besides, I fell in love with his piercing blue eyes and Russian accent!