This month's topic is a two-parter:
1)When reading, what glues you to a story, start-to-finish?
2)When writing, what hook you do you use to capture your readers?
!--As a reader, I want to identify with a strong, capable female character. I'm a huge fan of big, loud, silly action movies, but I complain a lot to my family when the only females are "window-dressing" for heroes to fight over, or even worse, helpless "little things" that need to be rescued. I want the females to be butt-kicking action figures as well. When I read books of any kind, but particularly romances, that goes double. I can't identify with a simpering, naive, inexperienced female with low self-esteem. I wasn't like that even when I was young, and I feel no desire to "become" that kind of woman even temporarily, in a fictional read that's supposed to be enjoyable. To me, that borders on the TSTL heroine. (Too stupid to live.)
2--As a writer, I like to begin my books in the middle of an action scene. I want to pique the reader's interesting immediately, making the reader wonder, "What's going on?" and "Why is this happening?" Hopefully the reader will get so caught up in the action that she/he will continue reading. I always grow very fond of my heroines, as I vicariously enjoy their adventures and their romances. And I fall in love with my heroes. That's what I hope my readers do also.
How about you? What captures your interest right away?
To read what other authors think, please visit them:
Beverley Bateman
Diane Bator
Ginger Simpson http://[email protected]
Skye Taylor
Marci Baun
Margaret Fieland
Helena Fairfax
Anne Stenhouse
Connie Vines
Rachael Kosnski
Victoria Chatham
Lynn Crain